OtNE Archive Report

Overall time tracked Aircraft Type Operator Callsign Route. Initial
Time In Zone
01/07/2020: 23:15->23:57 EI-EBL [B738] Ryanair RYR8FG 40,000 15,925 299 23:46->23:51
01/07/2020: 22:53->23:35 12-5760 [C30J] United States Air Force STRIX61 (US Military) 11,600 19,000 270 23:20->23:25
01/07/2020: 22:10->22:51 LX-GCL [B744] Cargolux Airlines International CLX46G 30,000 0 301 22:36->22:41
01/07/2020: 22:04->22:31 G-JMCT [B733] West Atlantic Cargo Airlines NPT028E ABZ-->EMA 23,000 9,225 152 22:12->22:17
01/07/2020: 21:43->22:12 N525FE [MD11] FedEx Express FDX97 31,975 31,950 295 21:57->22:03
01/07/2020: 21:39->22:03 G-CIXW [E170] Eastern Airways EZE9428 EMA-->NCL 27,000 3,125 - 21:59->21:59
01/07/2020: 21:13->22:00 N609UP B748 United Parcel Service UPS214 CGN-->SDF 32,000 32,000 294 21:41->21:47
01/07/2020: 20:07->20:55 HA-LWX [A320] Wizz Air WZZ9655 39,000 10,050 309 20:42->20:46
01/07/2020: 20:08->20:49 HA-LPQ [A320] Wizz Air WZZ6AL 21,275 39,000 114 20:16->20:20
01/07/2020: 20:04->20:43 SP-RKB [B738] Ryanair Sun RYR4EF 22,175 39,000 107 20:13->20:17
01/07/2020: 20:02->20:35 G-JMCR [B734] West Atlantic Cargo Airlines BCS2877 ABZ-->EMA 26,950 0 123 20:14->20:19
01/07/2020: 19:43->20:02 G-SAJK [E145] Loganair LOG6FR ABZ-->MME 23,575 32,000 301
01/07/2020: 19:00->19:43 N581UP B744 United Parcel Service UPS224 CGN-->SDF 32,000 32,000 292 19:28->19:34
01/07/2020: 18:42->19:15 SP-RSS [B738] Ryanair Sun RYR4SE 20,225 41,025 101 18:47->18:52
01/07/2020: 18:11->18:58 HA-LPQ [A320] Wizz Air WZZ53FD 39,025 14,150 306 18:49->18:53
01/07/2020: 18:10->18:50 EI-DLY [B738] Ryanair RYR1068 EDI-->TSF 20,850 39,000 120 18:17->18:22
01/07/2020: 18:22->18:47 EI-DAL [B738] Ryanair RYR2CA NCL-->WRO 19,925 37,000 145
01/07/2020: 17:20->18:03 EI-ENN [B738] Ryanair RYR2GC 38,000 16,900 306 17:54->17:57
01/07/2020: 17:17->18:01 D-CHRG C68A Hahn Air DCHRG 43,000 35,000 112 17:29->17:35
01/07/2020: 17:25->17:59 G-MAJU [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE85R 3,100 19,000 166 17:31->17:35
01/07/2020: 17:27->17:53 G-MAJL [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE69L ABZ-->MME 16,000 1,775 - 17:43->17:43
01/07/2020: 17:14->17:44 4K-SW008 [B744] Silk Way West Airlines AZG9601 10,450 35,000 048 17:23->17:29
01/07/2020: 16:46->17:39 SP-RSS [B738] Ryanair Sun RYR3YE 40,000 11,100 307 17:23->17:29
01/07/2020: 16:50->17:36 F-HBLM [E190] Air France HOP AFR11JC 2,125 27,450 150 16:50->16:58
01/07/2020: 17:08->17:26 G-HEMN EC35 Babcock MCS Onshore RHD59 1,375 4,200 -
01/07/2020: 16:10->17:17 SE-LPS [ATP] West Atlantic SWN901 22,000 9,450 172 16:48->16:55
01/07/2020: 09:52->17:14 ZH101 [E3CF] Royal Air Force NATO31 (UK Military) 10,300 7,175 163 16:52->17:04
01/07/2020: 16:54->17:10 G-BGAX [P28A] Private GBGAX 2,200 4,200 -
01/07/2020: 15:18->17:06 G-FRAS [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC52 (FR Aviation) 1,375 1,700 049 15:18->17:06
01/07/2020: 16:45->17:03 XX332 [HAWK] Royal Air Force SAVAGE01 (UK Military) 20,400 5,800 183 16:55->17:02
01/07/2020: 15:15->17:02 G-FRAT [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services ZODIAC51 (FR Aviation) 1,175 1,700 046 15:15->17:02
01/07/2020: 15:44->16:37 EI-DCZ [B738] Ryanair RYR9XE 40,000 0 179 16:17->16:26
01/07/2020: 16:17->16:36 G-EZUL [A320] easyJet Airline EZY19KQ 1,575 21,175 - 16:20->16:21
01/07/2020: 16:06->16:21 XX332 [HAWK] Royal Air Force SAVAGE01 (UK Military) 2,700 25,500 348 16:11->16:15
01/07/2020: 15:34->16:00 G-MAJL [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE68L MME-->ABZ 1,625 16,000 064 15:38->15:38
01/07/2020: 15:30->15:37 G-NHAD AS65 The Great North Air Ambulance Service 0 1,425 4,000 -
01/07/2020: 14:50->15:24 F-HBLM [E190] Air France HOP AFR11HB 34,000 2,850 001 15:23->15:24
01/07/2020: 14:33->15:20 EI-DCL [B738] Ryanair RYR2355 40,000 16,650 307 15:06->15:13
01/07/2020: 14:43->15:19 G-SAJF [E145] Loganair LOG64W 21,475 29,875 - 15:03->15:07
01/07/2020: 14:38->15:14 9H-LEO C550 PHS Aviation 9HLEO 24,300 37,000 112 14:46->14:50
01/07/2020: 14:15->15:07 86-0038 [KC10] United States Air Force RCH113 (US Military Supply) 33,975 34,000 285 14:48->14:51
01/07/2020: 14:19->14:55 A7-BCL [B788] Qatar Airways QTR7NB EDI-->DOH 17,400 41,000 115 14:25->14:31
01/07/2020: 13:59->14:52 02-1108 [C17] United States Air Force RCH455 (US Military Supply) 30,000 30,000 284 14:33->14:36
01/07/2020: 14:37->14:40 G-COBS [DA42] Thales UK Ltd CLB586 (Calibrator Flt) 2,350 1,650 333
01/07/2020: 13:32->14:13 D-BSUN [J328] Sun-Air SUS645B 13,450 35,000 090 13:41->13:48
01/07/2020: 13:22->14:08 EI-DCZ [B738] Ryanair 12,675 39,875 092 13:32->13:38
01/07/2020: 13:01->14:03 ZM417 [A400] Royal Air Force COMET453 (UK Military) 9,975 14,125 170 13:24->13:43
01/07/2020: 13:51->14:00 G-NHAD AS65 The Great North Air Ambulance Service 0 3,275 2,000 -
01/07/2020: 13:17->13:59 G-MAJA [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE12W HUY-->ABZ 8,300 15,875 015 13:38->13:42
01/07/2020: 13:10->13:37 G-MAJU [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE84R CWL-->NCL 18,025 3,675 - 13:30->13:34
01/07/2020: 13:04->13:34 G-SAJF [E145] Loganair LOG53H 27,150 16,025 142 13:14->13:18
01/07/2020: 12:42->13:23 09-6207 [C30J] United States Air Force 096207 (US Military) 14,525 18,000 324 13:06->13:14
01/07/2020: 11:48->13:23 G-FRAW [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services MTHBAL92 1,550 1,600 309 11:48->13:23
01/07/2020: 11:34->13:22 XX198 [HAWK] Royal Air Force PIRATE29 (UK Military) 2,500 1,100 - 11:36->13:06
01/07/2020: 11:46->13:16 G-FRAR [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services MTHBAL91 1,300 1,775 167 11:46->13:16
01/07/2020: 12:21->12:53 G-BOER [P28A] Private 2,900 2,300 -
01/07/2020: 11:56->12:42 D-BSUN [J328] Sun-Air SUS645A 30,000 7,725 188 12:25->12:34
01/07/2020: 11:01->12:22 G-SNDS [SR20] Sands Wealth Management Ltd GSNDS 4,250 5,275 215 11:17->12:21
01/07/2020: 11:49->12:16 G-LSAK [B752] Jet2 EXS53MK 13,450 7,725 172 12:00->12:05
01/07/2020: 11:41->12:15 EI-DCL [B738] Ryanair RYR3AJ 23,150 41,000 135 11:48->11:54
01/07/2020: 11:23->12:07 A7-BCL [B788] Qatar Airways QTR04H 42,975 17,150 302 11:58->12:00
01/07/2020: 11:44->11:54 G-MAJL [JS41] Eastern Airways EZE44B 2,475 15,975 305 11:46->11:49
01/07/2020: 11:24->11:52 PH-EZW [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM1278 EDI-->AMS 26,100 33,800 161 11:29->11:34
01/07/2020: 10:57->11:37 EI-DWV [B738] Ryanair RYR61KK 2,475 39,000 159 10:57->11:02
01/07/2020: 11:00->11:36 PH-EZL [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM40Z ABZ-->AMS 26,600 32,075 113
01/07/2020: 11:19->11:36 EI-DHC [B738] Ryanair RYR8SF 2,500 28,000 265 11:19->11:24
01/07/2020: 09:43->11:34 G-FRAS [FA20] Cobham Aviation Services WRTHOG81 (FR Aviation) 1,500 1,525 280 09:43->11:34
01/07/2020: 09:59->11:18 ZK358 [EUFI] Royal Air Force WOLF0022 (UK Military) 11,850 20,675 - 10:22->10:37
01/07/2020: 10:39->11:12 PH-EZI [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM36T NCL-->AMS 2,300 24,700 113 10:40->10:44
01/07/2020: 10:29->11:04 TF-LLX [B752] Icelandair ICE500 KEF-->AMS 38,000 25,150 106 10:40->10:41
01/07/2020: 10:12->10:32 EI-DHC [B738] Ryanair RYR172 DUB-->NCL 27,000 1,300 245 10:31->10:32
01/07/2020: 09:52->10:32 YL-CSM BCS3 Air Baltic BTI6A2 35,200 39,000 079 10:03->10:06
01/07/2020: 09:35->10:15 D-AALK [B77L] AeroLogic BOX486 30,000 30,000 302 10:03->10:06
01/07/2020: 09:35->10:12 PH-EZW [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM1277 AMS-->EDI 29,350 16,075 300 09:54->10:09
01/07/2020: 09:31->10:08 EI-DWV [B738] Ryanair RYR21PL 40,000 1,550 245 10:07->10:08
01/07/2020: 09:08->09:47 PH-EZI [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM47W AMS-->NCL 33,375 1,025 - 09:38->09:38
01/07/2020: 09:10->09:43 G-EUPL [A319] British Airways SHT18LA LHR-->ABZ 27,375 15,375 353 09:28->09:33
01/07/2020: 08:52->09:35 PH-EZV [E190] KLM cityhopper KLM1473 AMS-->GLA 31,300 14,125 - 09:22->09:22
01/07/2020: 08:47->09:24 G-PCOP [BE20] Gama Aviation GMA793 25,000 14,200 130 08:57->09:02
01/07/2020: 08:48->09:22 SP-TTA [BE40] Smart Jet SAH59P 2,375 39,025 160 08:48->08:54
01/07/2020: 08:39->09:18 OO-LUM [FA7X] Luxaviation Belgium BAF95 40,000 40,000 324 09:00->09:06
01/07/2020: 08:38->08:47 G-IASA [BE20] IAS Medical Ltd MDI08 2,100 1,100 222 08:38->08:47
01/07/2020: 08:03->08:34 TF-AAL [B744] Saudi Arabian Airlines ABD218F 8,750 37,000 058 08:12->08:14
01/07/2020: 07:44->08:20 G-IASA [BE20] IAS Medical Ltd MDI08 20,000 1,100 246 08:16->08:20
01/07/2020: 07:25->08:10 62-3564 [K35R] United States Air Force RCH404 (US Military Supply) 36,000 40,000 292 07:56->07:58
01/07/2020: 06:31->07:09 00-0185 [C17] United States Air Force RCH151 (US Military Supply) 30,025 0 289 06:58->07:03
01/07/2020: 06:06->06:48 03-3114 [C17] United States Air Force RCH894 (US Military Supply) 30,000 30,000 299
01/07/2020: 05:52->06:20 G-JMCR [B734] West Atlantic Cargo Airlines BCS2876 EMA-->ABZ 12,850 20,025 354 06:06->06:11
01/07/2020: 05:19->05:50 G-IASA [BE20] IAS Medical Ltd MDI08 1,500 17,000 145 05:19->05:21
01/07/2020: 04:11->04:54 N573UP [B744] United Parcel Service UPS204 CGN-->PHL 32,000 34,000 295 04:39->04:45
01/07/2020: 02:32->03:18 N324UP [B763] United Parcel Service UPS208 CGN-->EWR 30,000 32,000 298 03:01->03:06
01/07/2020: 02:20->03:03 N17002 [B78X] United Airlines UAL91 TLV-->EWR 34,000 33,975 296 02:49->02:55
01/07/2020: 02:00->02:31 G-JMCT [B733] West Atlantic Cargo Airlines NPT028A EMA-->ABZ 12,925 10,525 350 02:12->02:17
01/07/2020: 01:47->02:29 G-LMRZ AT75 Loganair LOG39LN EMA-->GLA 12,525 22,000 116

OtNE Archive Reports are copyright, OtNE 2016